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This web page examines addressing modes in assembly language. Specific examples of addressing modes from various processors are used to illustrate the general nature of assembly language.
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See also memory for a review of basics about memory.
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Address space is the maximum amount of memory that a processor can address. Some processors use a multi-level addressing scheme, with main memory divided into segments or pages and some or all instructions mapping into the current segment(s) or page(s).
From memory.
Main storage is also called memory or internal memory (to distinguish from external memory, such as hard drives).
RAM is Random Access Memory, and is the basic kind of internal memory. RAM is called random access because the processor or computer can access any location in memory (as contrasted with sequential access devices, which must be accessed in order). RAM has been made from reed relays, transistors, integrated circuits, magnetic core, or anything that can hold and store binary values (one/zero, plus/minus, open/close, positive/negative, high/low, etc.). Most modern RAM is made from integrated circuits. At one time the most common kind of memory in mainframes was magnetic core, so many older programmers will refer to main memory as core memory even when the RAM is made from more modern technology. Static RAM is called static because it will continue to hold and store information even when power is removed. Magnetic core and reed relays are examples of static memory. Dynamic RAM is called dynamic because it loses all data when power is removed. Transistors and integrated circuits are examples of dynamic memory. It is possible to have battery back up for devices that are normally dynamic to turn them into static memory.
ROM is Read Only Memory (it is also random access, but only for reads). ROM is typically used to store thigns that will never change for the life of the computer, such as low level portions of an operating system. Some processors (or variations within processor families) might have RAM and/or ROM built into the same chip as the processor (normally used for processors used in standalone devices, such as arcade video games, ATMs, microwave ovens, car ignition systems, etc.). EPROM is Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory, a special kind of ROM that can be erased and reprogrammed with specialized equipment (but not by the processor it is connected to). EPROMs allow makers of industrial devices (and other similar equipment) to have the benefits of ROM, yet also allow for updating or upgrading the software without having to buy new ROM and throw out the old (the EPROMs are collected, erased and rewritten centrally, then placed back into the machines).
The basic addressing modes are: register direct, moving date to or from a specific register; register indirect, using a register as a pointer to memory; program counter-based, using the program counter as a reference point in memory; absolute, in which the memory addressis contained in the instruction; and immediate, in which the data is contained in the instruction. Some instructions will have an inherent or implicit address (usually a specific register or the memory contents pointed to by a specific register) that is implied by the instruction without explicit declaration.
One approach to processors places an emphasis on flexibility of addressing modes. Some engineers and programmers believe that the real power of a processor lies in its addressing modes. Most addressing modes can be created by combining two or more basic addressing modes, although building the combination in software will usually take more time than if the combination addressing mode existed in hardware (although there is a trade-off that slows down all operations to allow for more complexity).
In a purely othogonal instruction set, every addressing mode would be available for every instruction. In practice, this isnt the case.
Virtual memory, memory pages, and other hardware mapping methods may be layered on top of the addressing modes.
In absolute address mode, the effective address in memory is part of the instruction. Some processors have full and short versions of absolute addressing (with short versions only pointing to a limited area in memory, normally starting at memory location zero). Unless overridden by hardware for virtual memory mapping, programs that use this address mode can not be moved in memory.
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The most basic form of memory access is absolute addressing, in which the program explicitely names the address that is going to be used. An address is a numeric label for a specific location in memory. The numbering system is usually in bytes and always starts counting with zero. The first byte of physical memory is at address 0, the second byte of physical memory is at address 1, the third byte of physical memory is at address 2, etc. Some processors use word addressing rather than byte addressing. The theoretical maximum address is determined by the address size of a processor (a 16 bit address space is limited to no more than 65536 memory locations, a 32 bit address space is limited to approximately 4 GB of memory locations). The actual maximum is limited to the amount of RAM (and ROM) physically installed in the computer.
A programmer assigns specific absolute addresses for data structures and program routines. These absolute addresses might be assigned arbitrarily or might have to match specific locations expected by an operating system. In practice, the assembler or complier determines the absolute addresses through an orderly predictable assignment scheme (with the ability for the programmer to override the compilers scheme to assign specific operating system mandated addresses).
This simple approach takes advantage of the fact that the compiler or assembler can predict the exact absolute addresses of every program instruction or routine and every data structure or data element. For almost every processor, absolute addresses are the fastest form of memory addressing. The use of absolute addresses makes programs run faster and greatly simplifies the task of compiling or assembling a program.
Some hardware instructions or operations rely on fixed absolute addresses. For example, when a processor is first turned on, where does it start? Most processors have a specific address that is used as the address of the first instruction run when the processer is first powered on. Some processors provide a method for the start address to be changed for future start-ups. Sometimes this is done by storing the start address internally (with some method for software or external hardware to change this value). For example, on power up the Motorola 680x0, the processor loads the interrupt stack pointer with the longword value located at address 000 hex, loads the program counter with the longword value located at address 004 hex, then starts execution at the frshly loaded program counter location. Sometimes this is done by reading the start address from a data line (or other external input) at power-up (and in this case, there is usually fixed external hardware that always generates the same pre-assigned start address).
Another common example of hardware related absolute addressing is the handling of traps, exceptions, and interrupts. A processor often has specific memory addresses set aside for specific kinds of traps, exceptions, and interrupts. Using a specific example, a divide by zero exception on the Motorola 680x0 produces an exception vector number 5, with the address of the exception handler being fetched by the hardware from memory address 014 hex.
Some simple microprocessor operating systems relied heavily on absolute addressing. An example would be the MS-DOS expectation that the start of a program would always be located at absolute memory address x100h (hexadecimal 100, or decimal 256). A typical compiler or assembler directive for this would be the
directive (for origin).The key disadvantage of absolute addressing is that multiple programs clash with each other (expecting to use the same absolute memory locations for different and competing purposes).
In immediate data address mode, the actual data is stored in the instruction. The sizes allowed for immediate data vary by processor and often by instruction (with some instructions having specific implied sizes).
Many instructions will have one or more inherent or implicit addresses. These are addresses that are implied by the instruction rather than explicitly stated. The two most common forms of inherent address are either a specific register or a memory location designated by the contents of a specific register.
In register direct address mode, the source and/or destination is a register.
Many processors distinguish between data and address register operations (note, in some cases a general purpose register can act as eeither an address or data register).
In data register direct operations, flags are typically set or cleared. Data that is smaller than the register may be sign extended or zero filled to fill the entire register, or may be placed only in the portion of the register necessary for the size of the data, leaving the rest of the register unchanged.
In register to register (RR) operations, data is transferred from one register to another register or an instruction uses a source and destination register.
In address register direct operations, flags are not normally set or cleared. The address is usually sign extended to the full address size of the processor.
In register indirect address mode, the contents of the designated register are used as a pointer to memory. Variations of register indirect include the use of post- or pre- increment, post- or pre- decrement, and displacements.
In address register indirect operations, the designated register is used as a pointer to memory.
In address register indirect with postincrement operations, the designated register is used as a pointer to memory, and then the register is incremented by the size of the operation. This is useful for a loop where the same or similar operations are performed on consecutive locations in memory. This address mode can be combined with a complimentary predecrement mode for stack and queue operations.
In address register indirect with predecrement operations, the designated register is decremented by the size of the operations, and then the designated register is used as a pointer to memory. This is useful for a loop where the same or similar operations are performed on consecutive locations in memory. This address mode can be combined with a complimentary postincrement mode for stack and queue operations.
In address register indirect with preincrement operations, the designated register is incremented by the size of the operations, and then the designated register is used as a pointer to memory. This is useful for a loop where the same or similar operations are performed on consecutive locations in memory. This address mode can be combined with a complimentary postdecrement mode for stack and queue operations.
In address register indirect with postdecrement operations, the designated register is used as a pointer to memory, and then the register is decremented by the size of the operation. This is useful for a loop where the same or similar operations are performed on consecutive locations in memory. This address mode can be combined with a complimentary preincrement mode for stack and queue operations.
In address register indirect with displacement operations, the contents of the designated register are modified by adding or subtracting a dispacement integer, then used as a pointer to memory. The displacement integer is stored in the instruction, and if shorter than the length of a the processors address space (the normal case), sign-extended before addition (or subtraction).
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Base pointers (sometimes called segment pointers or page pointers) are special hardware registers that point to the start (or base) of a particular page or segment of memory. Programs can then use an absolute address within a page and either explicitly add the absolute address to the contents of a base pointer or rely on the hardware to add the two together to form the actual effective address of the memory access. Which method was used would depend on the processor capabilities and the operatign system design. Hiding the base pointer from the application program both made the program easier to compile and allowed for the operating system to implement program isolation, data/code isolation, protected memory, and other sophisticated services.
As an example, the Intel 80x86 processor has a code segment pointer, a data segment pointer, a stack segment pointer, and an extra segment pointer. When a program is loaded into memory, an operating system running on the Intel 80x86 sets the segment pointers with the beginning of the pages assigned for each purpose for that particular program. If a program is swapped out, when it gets swapped back in, the operating system sets the segment pointers to the new memory locations for each segment. The program continues to run, without being aware that it has been moved in memory.
In a register indirect with index register mode, two registers are added together to form the effective address of a pointer to memory. These are sometimes called the base register and index register. Many processors will have limits on which registers can be used for the base register and/or which registers can be used for the index register.
In address/base register indirect with index register operations, the contents of the index register are added to the contents of the base address register to form an effective address in memory. Some processors allow for designating that less than the full size of the index register be used in the computation, with the designated low order portion of the index register being sign-extended for the effective address computation. Some processors require that a designated low order portion of the index register be used in the computation, with the designated low order portion of the index register being sign-extended for the effective address computation.
In address/base register indirect with index register and displacement operations, the contents of the index register are added to the contents of the base address register and then an integer displacement is added or subtracted to form an effective address in memory. Some processors allow for designating that less than the full size of the index register be used in the computation, with the designated low order portion of the index register being sign-extended for the effective address computation. Some processors require that a designated low order portion of the index register be used in the computation, with the designated low order portion of the index register being sign-extended for the effective address computation. The integer displacement is stored in the instruction, and if shorter than the length of a the processors address space (the normal case), sign-extended before addition (or subtraction).
In absolute address with index register operations, the contents of an index register are added to an absolute address to form an effective address in memory.
In memory indirect address mode, a location in memory contains a value that is used as a pointer (with or without additional effective address computations) to another location in memory.
In memory indirect postindexed operations, the processor calculates an intermediate memory address using a base register and a base displacement. The processor accesses the designated memory location, and adds the contents of the index register and an outer displacement to the memory value to yield the effective address. If either displacement and/or the index register is shorter than the length of a the processors address space (the normal case), each is sign-extended before addition (or subtraction). Base and outer displacements are stored in the instruction.
In memory indirect preindexed operations, the processor calculates an intermediate memory address using a base register, a base displacement, and an index register. The processor accesses the designated memory location, and adds an outer displacement to the memory value to yield the effective address. If either displacement and/or the index register is shorter than the length of a the processors address space (the normal case), each is sign-extended before addition (or subtraction). Base and outer displacements are stored in the instruction.
In program counter indirect addressing, the program counter is used as a reference for the effective address computation. This is most commonly used for short branching relative to the current program counter, allowing for object code that can be placed anywhere in memory.
From memory.
One approach for making programs relocatable is program counter relative addressing. Instead of branching using absolute addresses, branches (including subroutine calls, jumps, and other kinds of branching) were based on a relative distance from the current program counter (which points to the address of the currently executing instruction). With PC relative addreses, the program can be loaded anywhere in memory and still work correctly. The location of routines, subroutines, functions, and constant data can be determined by the positive or negative distance from the current instruction.
Program counter relative addressing can also be used for determining the address of variables, but then data and code get mixed in the same page or segment. At a minimum, mixing data and code in the same segment is bad programming practice, and in most cases it clashes with more sophisticated hardware systems (such as protected memory).
In program counter indirect with displacement operations, the effective address is the sum of the address in the program counter and the displacement integer stored in the instruction. If the displacement integer is shorter than the length of a the processors address space (the normal case), it is sign-extended before addition (or subtraction).
In program counter indirect with index and displacement operations, the effective address is the sum of the address in the program counter, the contents of the index register, and the displacement integer stored in the instruction. If the displacement integer or designated portion of the index register is shorter than the length of a the processors address space (the normal case), each is sign-extended before addition (or subtraction).
In program counter memory indirect postindexed operations, the processor calculates an intermediate indirect memory address by adding a base displacement to the contents of the program counter. The value accessed at this memory location is added to the scaled contents of the index register and the outer displacement to yield the effective address. If either the base or outer displacement integer or designated portion of the index register is shorter than the length of a the processors address space (the normal case), each is sign-extended before addition (or subtraction).
In program counter memory indirect preindexed operations, the processor calculates an intermediate indirect memory address by adding a base displacement and scaled contents of an index register to the contents of the program counter. The value accessed at this memory location is added to the outer displacement to yield the effective address. If either the base or outer displacement integer or designated portion of the index register is shorter than the length of a the processors address space (the normal case), each is sign-extended before addition (or subtraction).
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Created: February 14, 2001 (from asm.htm)
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