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picking a class
The educational goal of this subchapter is to provide a few hints and suggestions on how to choose a class and professor. It is certainly possible that there may be limited choices available, event he possibility of only a single available class.
Strong recommendation: Pick a class based on the quality of the professor rather than how easy the grading is.
picking a class
Before signing up for a class, ask other computer science majors about the professors. Getting hired as a professor is based on factors completely unrelated to the ability to teach. Further, the major factors for advancement in pay and prestige has nothing to do with teaching. Promotion is based primarily on the ability to continually be published. Colleges and universitites deliberately and intentionally ignore the ability to teach in making decisions about hiring and career advancement for professors!
Luckily, most professors learn something about education and teaching through years of dealing with students. And there are some professors who are naturally gifted at teaching.
You want to try to figure out from other students which are the best professors and then try to get into the classes taught by the professors who are best at teaching.
Dont be concerned about a reputation as a tough grader. How tough a professor is at grading has nothing to do with how good they are at teaching. A professor who is naturally gifted at teaching will prepare you for tougher grade standards.
Also take into consideration when a class is taught.
Teenagers and yougn adults experience phase shift from growth hormones. The release of growth hormones has the side effect of changing the natural inner circadian clock, making the teenager or yonng adult stay up late at night and making it very difficult to wake early in the morning. If you attempt to take an early morning class while experiencing phase shift, you will have a great deal of trouble learning and might fail a class that youd easily pass if taken later in the day.
Night or evening classes are typically taught by working professionals rather than tenured professors. These instructors tend to have a less academic and more practical approach to teaching. If you need more help on the academic parts, take a day class. If you need more help on the nuts and bolts of programming, then consider taking an evening class.
free music player coding example
Coding example: I am making heavily documented and explained open source code for a method to play music for free almost any song, no subscription fees, no download costs, no advertisements, all completely legal. This is done by building a front-end to YouTube (which checks the copyright permissions for you).
View music player in action: www.musicinpublic.com/.
Create your own copy from the original source code/ (presented for learning programming).
Because I no longer have the computer and software to make PDFs, the book is available as an HTML file, which you can convert into a PDF.
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