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enumerated types
The enumerated types are used for countable items, such as the cards in a deck of ordinary playing cards.
This is a brief introduction. This data type is explained in detail in the chapter on enumerated ordinal types.
enumerated values
This is a brief introduction. This data type is explained in detail in the chapter on enumerated ordinal types.
The enumerated types are used for countable items, such as the cards in a deck of ordinary playing cards.
enumerated type
Many modern programming languages have an enumerated value data type. If not, a sequence of integers can be used instead. The enumerated data type simply makes it easier to keep track of the meaning of the integer values.
The following material is from the unclassified Computer Programming Manual for the JOVIAL (J73) Language, RADC-TR-81-143, Final Technical Report of June 1981.
The kinds of values provided by JOVIAL reflect the applications
of the language; they are oriented toward engineering and contrl
programming rather than, for example, commercial and business
programming. The JOVIAL values are:
6. Status values, which are special words. They are used
to describe the status of the system, or a particular
part of the system, at any given time. For example, status values of "V(OK)", "V(WEAK)", or "V(BAD)" can be
used to indicate the condition of a power cell.
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION, page 3
A status item, whose value can be
thought of as "V(RED)", "V(YELLOW)",
or "V(GREEN)" but which is, in fact,
compactly stored as an integer. Thus
a programmer culd assign "V(RED)" to a
variable to indicate cooling system
failure instead of using a (presumably
non-mnemonic) integer.
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION, page 5
1.1.5 Built-In Functions
The JOVIAL built-in functions provide advanced, specialized
operations that are not covered by the JOVIAL operators.
NEXT(s,i) The i'th status value after status value s
FIRST(s) First status value in status list for s
LAST(s) Last status value in status list for s
Chapter 1 Introduction, page 9
This is a brief introduction. This data type is explained in detail in the chapter on enumerated ordinal types.
free music player coding example
Coding example: I am making heavily documented and explained open source code for a method to play music for free almost any song, no subscription fees, no download costs, no advertisements, all completely legal. This is done by building a front-end to YouTube (which checks the copyright permissions for you).
View music player in action: www.musicinpublic.com/.
Create your own copy from the original source code/ (presented for learning programming).
Because I no longer have the computer and software to make PDFs, the book is available as an HTML file, which you can convert into a PDF.
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