music computers in nations

computers in Egypt


    This web page discusses computers in Egypt.


computers in Egypt

    This web page discusses computers in Egypt.

    Internet country code: (ccTLD) .eg
    Internet users: 450,000 (Dec 2000) Internet World Stats
    29,809,724 (20 June 2012) Internet World Stats

history of computers in Egypt

    The Antikythera mechanism, discovered in a shipwreck in 1900, is an early mechanical analog computer from between 150 BCE and 100 BCE. The Antikythera mechanism used a system of 37 gears to compute the positions of the sun and the moon through the zodiac on the Egyptian calendar, and possibly also the fixed stars and five planets known in antiquity (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) for any time in the future or past. The system of gears added and subtracted angular velocities to compute differentials. The Antikythera mechanism could accurately predict eclipses and could draw up accurate astrological charts for important leaders. It is likely that the Antikythera mechanism was based on an astrological computer created by Archimedes of Syracuse in the 3rd century BCE. (See history of programming language)


    Alexandria University: Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Systems Engineering Department

    American University in Cairo: School of Sciences and Engineering

United Nations Security Council

    The United Natons Security Council has five permanent members, each of whom has veto power. They are: the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, and China.

    I propose that there are five additional nations that must also be granted permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council: Egypt, Germany, Brazil, Japan, and India.

    Egypt is the most populous Arab nation and second most populous African nation. Egypt has long been a leader in modern Middle East affairs and is one of the oldest civilizations on the entire planet. That Europe has three permanent members (UK, France, and Russia) and Asia has two permanent members (China and Russia) and North America with only three nations has one permanent member, but all of Africa have zero representatives and their are no Muslim representatives is a mockery.

    India is the second most populous nation in the world and one of the oldest civilization on the entire planet. To exclude India is a mockery.

    Germany is a bigger and more influential economy than either Great Britain or France and was the nation where the industrial revolution started. The only reason they are excluded is because of bad timing in that they were on the losing side in World War II.

    Japan is one of the most important economies in the world and has been a major industrial power for well more than a century. The only reason they are excluded is because of bad timing in that they were on the losing side in World War II.

    Brazil is the largest economy and most populous nation in Latin America. That Europe has three permanent members (UK, France, and Russia) and Asia has two permanent members (China and Russia) and North America with only three nations has one permanent member, but all of Central America and all of South America have zero representatives is a mockery.

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    Copyright © 2010, 2012, 2014 Milo

    Created: December 25, 2010

    Last Updated: February 11, 2014

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