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Building a game open source code This is the actual source code from a new web game. See the game at thissideofsanity.com and read how this was built starting at example code.
This is example code from the SlamZee project and This Side of Sanity, released under Apache License 2.0.
Copyright 2013 Milo (for software), Distribution and website handled by Strazbick.com
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
This narrative uses anchor links so that you can follow the building of this software in chronological order. Go to software explanation to start reading. Go to thissideofsanity.com to see the working software.
This is example code from the SlamZee project and This Side of Sanity, released under Apache License 2.0.
Code to generate a random celebrity.
<?php require_once('./php/databasefunctions.php'); $result = ConnectCelebDataBase(0); /* located in /php/databasefunctions.php */ /* echo '<br>the result is *'.$result.'*'; */ ?> <h2 align="center">add to todays slams</h2> <p align="center"><span id="anotherarea"></span></p> <?php /* echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; /* TESTING */ /* PICK A CELEBRITY */ $chosennumber = rand(1,30); /* hard coded to number of celebrities */ $onelessnumber = $chosennumber - 1; /* GATHER MOST HATED CELEBRITIES */ $celebritycount = 1; /* initializing for outputting rank numbers */ $query = 'SELECT celebnum,mainname,votecount FROM celebrity ORDER BY votecount DESC LIMIT 1'; $celeblistresult = mysql_query($query); if ($celeblistresult) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($celeblistresult); /* note that I am mixing computation and display -- bad, bad me */ $celebnum = $row["celebnum"]; $celebname = $row["mainname"]; $votecount = $row["votecount"]; echo '<img src="./testpict/blankpicture.png" width="96" height="96" align="left">'; echo '<h3 align="center">'.$celebname.'</h3><p align="center"><big><span id="celeb'.$celebnum.'">'.$votecount.'</span> slams<br><br><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="incrementvote('.$celebnum.');"><span style="color:red"><img src="./testpict/sledge.jpeg" width="26" height="19" border="0"></span></a></big></p>'; $celebritycount = $celebritycount + 1; /* increment */ } /* END IF have a valid SQL result object */ ?>
We make a few minor changes tyo detect if there is a celebrity picture and either display the celebrity picture or the default image.
First we change the SQL. In reality I did this last because I simply forgot to make the change and had to debug why the code wasnt working. This kind of detail is why you really want to be using object oriented code rather than procedural code.
$query = 'SELECT celebnum,mainname,votecount,96picture FROM celebrity ORDER BY votecount DESC LIMIT '.$onelessnumber.',1';
We fetch the location of the picture from the data base. If the database returns a NULL rsult, that will test as an empty string (relying on PHP language-specific mechanisms.
$picture96 = $row["96picture"];
We perform the test and emit the code for the appropriate situation (celebrity picture exists or use default image).
if ($picture96 != '') echo '<img src="./cpict/'.$picture96.'" width="96" height="96" align="left">'; else echo '<img src="./testpict/blankpicture.png" width="96" height="96" align="left">';
We make a minor change to allow for the more info button and info area.
?> <p align="center"><a nohref onclick="downarrowaction(<?php echo $celebnum; ?>)" style="cursor:pointer;"><img src="./testpict/downarrow.png" width="9" height="8"></a></p> <div id="infoarea"> </div><!--infoarea--> <?php ?>
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This web site handcrafted on Macintosh computers using Tom Benders Tex-Edit Plus
and served using FreeBSD
Names and logos of various OSs are trademarks of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2013 Milo
Last Updated: September 20, 2013
Created: September 19, 2013
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